

Espressif-IDE is an Integrated Development Environment(IDE) based on Eclipse CDT for developing IoT Applications using the ESP-IDF framework. It’s a standalone and customized IDE built specifically for ESP-IDF. Espressif-IDE comes with the IDF Eclipse plugins, essential Eclipse CDT plugins, and other third-party plugins from the Eclipse platform to support building ESP-IDF applications.

The plug-in runs on macOS, Windows and Linux platforms.


  • Easy-to-use IDE built on Eclipse CDT environment

  • Specifically built for ESP-IDF application development

  • Auto-configuration of the build environment variables

  • Integrated toolchain configuration

  • New Project Wizards and getting started ESP-IDF examples

  • Advanced editing, compiling, and editing with syntax coloring features

  • Pre-built function header and function definition navigation

  • ESP-IDF and ESP-IDF Tools installation and configuration directly from IDE

  • SDK Configuration editor for project-specific settings

  • Integrated CMake Editor plug-in for editing CMake files such as CMakeLists.txt

  • CMake based build support

  • Support for UART and JTAG flashing

  • Customized ESP-IDF OpenOCD Debugging with pre-built configuration and settings

  • GDB Hardware debugging

  • Integrated ESP-IDF serial monitor

  • ESP-IDF Terminal with the pre-configured ESP-IDF build environment

  • Application size analysis editor for analyzing static memory footprint of your application

  • Supports Heap profiling for memory analysis and finding memory leaks

  • Supports GDB Stub debugging and Application level tracing

  • Supports esp32,esp32s2, esp32s3 and esp32c3 chips

  • English and Chinese language support for IDE

  • Extensible IDE for other third-party plugins from Eclipse eco-system

  • Host operating systems supported: Windows, macOS, and Linux

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