ESP-IDF Coverage

Source code coverage is data indicating the count and frequency of every program execution path that has been taken within a program runtime. GCOV is a GCC tool that, when used in concert with the compiler, can generate log files indicating the execution count of each line of a source code.

Your ESP-IDF project should be configured to generate gcda/gcno coverage files using gcov. Please read GCOV Code Coverage to learn more about code coverage with GCOV in ESP-IDF projects.

You can use the ESP-IDF: Configure Project SDKConfig for Coverage to set required configuration in the SDK Configuration Editor.

Code coverage example

Let’s use the ESP-IDF GCOV Example for this tutorial.

  • Navigate to View > Command Palette.

  • Type ESP-IDF: Show Examples Projects and choose Use Current ESP-IDF (/path/to/esp-idf).

If you don’t see the option, please review the current ESP-IDF setup in Installation.

  • A window will be open with a list a projects, go the system section and choose the gcov. You will see a Create Project Using Example gcov button in the top and a description of the project below. Click Create Project Using Example GCOV button.

  • Now select a container directory where to copy the example project. For example, if you choose /Users/myUser/someFolder the resulting folder will be /Users/myUser/someFolder/gcov. This new project directory will be created and opened in Visual Studio Code.

  • First you should select an Espressif target (esp32, esp32s2, etc.) with:

    • Navigate to View > Command Palette.

    • Type ESP-IDF: Set Espressif Device Target command. Default is esp32 and the one used in this tutorial.

  • Next configure your sdkconfig project with the ESP-IDF: Configure Project SDKConfig for Coverage command or by yourself using the ESP-IDF: SDK Configuration Editor command where you can modify the ESP-IDF project settings. After all changes are made, click save and close this window.

  • The example will enable the following options by default:

    • Enable the Application Tracing Module under Component Config > Application Level Tracing > Data Destination by choosing Trace Memory.

    • Enable GCOV to host interface under Component Config > Application Level Tracing > GCOV to Host Enable.

    • Enable OpenOCD Debug Stubs under Component Config > ESP32-specific > OpenOCD Debug Stubs.

  • Now build the project, flash your device and start the ESP-IDF Monitor you can use the ESP-IDF: Build your Project, ESP-IDF: Flash your Project and ESP-IDF: Monitor Device commands.


There is also a ESP-IDF: Build, Flash and Start a Monitor on your Device command which does all three former commands in one.

  • Next step is to launch OpenOCD and send some commands. To start openOCD from the extension, execute the ESP-IDF: OpenOCD Manager command or from the OpenOCD Server (Running | Stopped) button in the Visual Studio Code status bar. OpenOCD server output is shown in menu View > Output > ESP-IDF.

  • Launch a new terminal with menu Terminal > New Terminal and execute telnet <oocd_host> <oocd_port> which by default is telnet localhost 4444. Latest MacOS users can use nc <oocd_host> <oocd_port> if telnet is not in the system.


you can modify and openocd.tcl.port configuration settings to modify these values.

  • Send the OpenOCD command esp gcov dump for hard-coded dump which will dump two hard-coded dumps based on this example. After that send the esp gcov command for instant run-time dump.

  • After dumping data one or more times, open the desired file in your editor and execute the ESP-IDF: Add Editor Coverage command to highlight the editor with code coverage.

  • You can customize highlight color using these extension settings.json configuration settings:

    • Covered lines use idf.coveredLightTheme for light themes and idf.coveredDarkTheme for dark themes.

    • Partially covered lines use idf.partialLightTheme for light themes and idf.partialDarkTheme for dark themes.

    • Non-covered lines use idf.uncoveredLightTheme for light themes and idf.uncoveredDarkTheme for dark themes.

Visual Studio code support "red", rgb(255,0,120) or rgba(120,0,0,0.1).

  • When finished, use the ESP-IDF: Remove Editor Coverage command to remove the code coverage.

  • Navigate to View > Command Palette.

  • Type ESP-IDF: Get HTML Coverage Report for Project select the command to generate a HTML report for code coverage.

